What is the PSSA?
The Photographic Society of South Africa is the officially recognized Body representing photographers in Southern Africa. It is the South African equivalent of the Photographic Society of America to whom it is affiliated. PSSA is an autonomous Society and through its affiliations affords members contact with the international affairs of photography.
PSSA aims to weld together the photographic and associated efforts of individuals and clubs into one strong unit.
The Society is recognised by Government through the Performing Arts Council. It is consulted on aspects affecting photography in South Africa as well as being able to negotiate protection and exemption for photographic clubs and members.
The Society monitors and censors images deemed unfit for public viewing.
PSSA provides medals to and participates in the organisation of National and International Photographic Salons.
Honours are bestowed and awards made by the Society. These titles and honours are respected throughout the world.
A Photographic Congress is staged each year in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Society. This affords photographers a platform to meet fellow photographers and hear speakers who are recognised as leading authorities in their particular fields. Click here for the minutes of the last AGM in 2017.
The Society is controlled by a Board of Directors elected by the members.
The day to day operations of the Society are carried out by an Executive Committee, which is responsible to the Board of Directors. The Society consists of a number of divisions, which are controlled by individual Chairmen who are also responsible to the Directors. They must provide a quarterly report to the Executive Committee and Directors.
PSSA publishes a magazine named IMAGE, which covers all aspects of the Society’s activities and photography in general.
Annually a directory is published containing the names and addresses of all members and member clubs, together with the Society’s Honours and Awards holders.
Why Join PSSA?
A question asked many times. PSSA serves like a governing body of the Photographic world of South Africa. PSSA provides guidelines to the Clubs in all the Regions. They do not dictate, but guidelines help the Clubs to establish a good grounding for the monthly running of Clubs. A lot of the work that PSSA does does happen away from the eyes of the members of public.
By joining PSSA you benefit from our quarterly Magazine, which is full of tutorials on various aspects of photography plus showcasing the work being done by all the members around the country. The best learning experience an amateur photographer can have is to attend the annual PSSA congress and the regional congresses. This is the time where we get to meet other likeminded photographers from South Africa and abroad.
Salons at a slightly cheaper rate if a member. Through Salons one can exhibit their work against the whole of South Africa. Many clubs require Salon Acceptances for their promotional purposes.
Diamond Ratings and Honours is also a big plus when a member of PSSA, and all the information on these are on the PSSA web site. Achieving your Honours is really an honour, it showcases the work you do and exhibits this honour to your colleagues, friends, family and in some cases throughout the world. Apart from the distinction that this provides, it also gives us a goal. Something to work towards, something to strive for.
As regional Director and Board Member of PSSA I believe in this organisation, and although it might seem like a large ship that does not want to turn and adapt, it does its job. The Northern Gauteng Region is very strong and wil remain strong through its members. Without members that give their input, an organisation like PSSA cannot exist and will not adapt. Therefore don’t stand on the sideline. Join the movement and help us steer this ship called PSSA through the often unknown and turbulent waters. I would like to therefore encourage you to join PSSA, and be active in the organisation.